Case Study – Benefits of data logging
Including a PLC provides valuable information to Queensland Rail as the operator and Coachair as the re-engineering and overhaul provider. There are numerous benefits of data logging.

Case Study – Data logging improves overhaul accuracy
The installation of data loggers was crucial to accurately understand the root cause of issues for the Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM) Comeng fleet that seemingly could not be addressed.

Case Study – Solving long-term issues at minimal cost
Coachair performed a pre-overhaul inspection of an ageing fleet of HVACs for a metropolitan rail operator. We established that the unit did not need another overhaul as they were in excellent operational condition.

Case Study – Solutions that fix identified problems and deliver a lower cost outcome
Coachair provides a bus operator with a full audit of the fleet as part of our service offer to maintain their ACs. We fix identified problems and deliver a lower-cost outcome.

Case Study – Simple and cost effective solutions to resolve end of life parts
An OEM was unable to provide a viable solution at a reasonable cost and timeframe to resolve a PLC’s replacement. Coachair provided a solution for end of life parts.

Case Study – Responding rapidly for an entire fleet overhaul
Coachair tendered and won the contract to service and overhaul the entire Queensland Rail (QR) EMU HVAC fleet in 2014 and responded rapidly once the tender was awarded.