News & Media
The latest on Coachair.
Make summer less stressful with Coachair servicing
A well-maintained HVAC system is essential for every bus or coach hitting the road this summer. By scheduling regular servicing with Coachair, you can avoid costly breakdowns, improve fuel efficiency, and improve your passenger experience.
Preparing for a zero-emissions future on Australia’s bus networks
At Coachair, we are always looking ahead. This article explores the current plans for upgrading Australia’s bus network to zero-emissions vehicles and how Coachair are prepared to support you with quality HVAC.
Helping our customers find cost-effective service solutions
Whether we’re providing technical support over the phone or coming your way for a visit, we are committed to doing everything we can to make our customers’ lives better. Busabout contacted us for a fleet audit, to learn about the condition of their HVAC units and how they can take good care of them for the long haul.
Catch up with Eddie at Regional Events (VIC & NSW)
After the great success of last year’s regional roadshow, we’re sending Business Development Manager Eddie Furmanczyk back on the road to meet with customers. Here’s where you can catch up with Eddie at the events scheduled across Feb-March, 2024.
How Coachair Measures Up: Three Ways That Matter
Since 1978, Coachair has been a pioneer of the Australian HVAC market. It’s great for us to talk the talk, but it’s better when we walk the walk. How do we measure up against the rest? Here are three ways that we believe truly matter.
Welcome Mick McKenzie: Technical Support & Training
From February 27th to March 28th, we are sending Business Development Manager, Eddie Furmancyzk, out on the road to meet with customers and share the latest from Coachair.